3 Tips for College Drop Off

1.            Keep your cool.  Moving large boxes, dealing with other siblings, parents scoping out the best position in the dorm room for their baby...yeah, definitely a recipe for tension. Your student may act irritable, embarrassed and frustrated by your every move. Remember, your child is trying to juggle entering a new environment, establishing a first impression among new friends and including you, their family, into the process. This is a lot to handle. YOU: breath. Keep the conversation light and upbeat.  All judgment and unsolicited opinions go out the window! Let your student guide the day. Keep your cool. (Just repeating because we may need another reminder.)

2.            Keep your emotions in check.  Today’s story is all about your college bound student, not you.  Granted, you have fed, sheltered and supported your child for the past 18 years BUT today is not your day. Crying is not bad; just don’t let it overshadow the excitement of this pivotal moment. A little crying lets them know they are important and will be missed, but sobbing will make them feel responsible for your sadness.  Assure them you will be okay. 

3.            Keep to your schedule. Have your departure time and place planned out ahead of time. Stick to it! There is nothing worse than your child begging you to leave OR begging you to stay.  Knowing ahead of time eases the tension and anxiousness. Where will the drop off take place?  This will be the picture that will stick in your mind as you think of them at college -- you won’t want it to be in the parking garage or at the curb.  Make sure there is life around you and people to surround your college student upon your departure. Then LEAVE!  Do not drag out the goodbye. You have groomed them for this moment.  This is good.  Keep your eye on the prize… independent, off-the-payroll children.

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